
JK Astro Vastu, Astrology Natal Chart Reading

Natal Chart Reading

Analyzes the positions of the planets at the time of your birth to reveal insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.


JK Astro Vastu, Astrology Compatibility Analysis

Compatibility Analysis

Evaluates the astrological compatibility between two individuals by comparing their natal charts, often used for romantic or business relationships.


Transit Reading

Examines the current positions of the planets and how they interact with your natal chart to predict upcoming opportunities and challenges.



Solar Return Chart

A special chart created for your birthday each year to provide insights and forecasts for the year ahead.


JK Astro Vastu, Astrology Natal Chart Reading

Progressed Chart

A method of predicting future trends and developments by advancing the natal chart to reflect your personal growth and life changes.


Horary Astrology

Answers specific questions by creating a chart for the exact moment the question is asked, often used for decision-making.



Electional Astrology

Determines the best times to undertake important activities or events, such as starting a business or getting married.



Monthly and Yearly Forecasts

Regular updates on what to expect in the coming months or year based on astrological trends.

JK Astro Vastu, Astrology Natal Chart Reading

Relationship Counseling

Uses astrological insights to help couples understand and improve their relationship dynamics. .


Health Astrology

Analyzes the natal chart to offer insights into potential health issues and holistic remedies.



Child Astrology

Provides insights into a child's potential, talents, and challenges based on their astrological chart.



Customized Astrological Reports

Personalized written reports based on your natal chart or specific astrological inquiries.


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